Livres recommandés par Thomas Clozel
La course de luge Astrid Desbordes, Marc Boutavant
Il neige dans la clairière. L'occasion pour Edmond et ses amis de faire une grande course de luge. Édouard est persuadé qu'il va l'emporter... C'est bien connu, à la course, nul ne bat un ours ! Mais Edmond s'interroge : ne peuvent-ils pas jouer sans avoir envie de gagner ?
Recommandé par : Thomas Clozel
Episode : Thomas Clozel - Owkin : Comment casser Big Pharma grâce à l’IA - Génération Do It Yourself (GDIY)
Lying Sam Harris
As it was in Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, and Othello, so it is in life. Most forms of private vice and public evil are kindled and sustained by lies. Acts of adultery and other personal betrayals, financial fraud, government corruption--even murder and genocide--generally require an additional moral defect: a willingness to lie. In Lying, best-selling author and neuroscientist Sam Harris argues that we can radically simplify our lives and improve society by merely telling the truth in situations where others often lie. He focuses on "white" lies--those lies we tell for the purpose of sparing people discomfort--for these are the lies that most often tempt us. And they tend to be the only lies that good people tell while imagining that they are being good in the process.
Recommandé par : Thomas Clozel
Episode : Thomas Clozel - Owkin : Comment casser Big Pharma grâce à l’IA - Génération Do It Yourself (GDIY)
Thomas Clozel apparait dans les épisodes suivants :
Génération Do It Yourself (GDIY) diffusé le 27/10/2024
#426 - Thomas Clozel - Owkin : Comment casser Big Pharma grâce à l’IA
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