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Livres recommandés par Shubham Sharma

The Art of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn’s exceptional personal and business solutions culminate in this powerful yet simple and direct book, The Art of Exceptional Living. His more than thirty years of studying human behavior and presenting well-received self-development seminars worldwide resulted in this guidebook on turning ideas into positive action to make every dream a reality.

Inspirational insights and strategies place readers on the fast track to harnessing the power of personal ambition and innate motivation to achieve the highest levels of success.

A dozen focused, concise, and practical chapters cover topics such as:Five Essential Abilities

  • Developing Your Personal Philosophy
  • Goal Setting
  • Designing Your Future
  • Living Uniquely
  • How to Start Your Better Life Today

Throughout The Art of Exceptional Living are energizing questions that will incite readers to uproot routines and habits that may be preventing them from enjoying the lifestyle they desire. 

The author stresses: “The greatest value in life is not what you get—the greatest value in life is what you become.” Personal and sometimes humorous stories prove that statement correct, as lessons and examples are shared that will prompt readers to become more valuable—at home, in the workplace, as a parent, and in every endeavor. 

Every reader who internalizes and acts on the ideas shared in The Art of Exceptional Living will satisfy their lifelong appetite for both wealth and happiness.

Shubham Sharma : C'est un bouquin qui, tu vois, je trouve que c'était un peu avant le game du dev perso, comme il l'est aujourd'hui, beaucoup plus pratico-pratique, fait ci, fait ça, je trouve que c'était un peu la version meta du dev perso qui est beaucoup plus sur les principes, les valeurs etc. Et je trouve qu'il est beaucoup plus applicable dans mon monde à moi. Donc oui, The Art of Exceptional Living, de Jim Rohn.

Recommandé par : Shubham Sharma

Episode : Shubham Sharma - Expert NoCode : Automatiser sa vie pour devenir libre - Génération Do It Yourself (GDIY)

Shubham Sharma apparait dans les épisodes suivants :

Génération Do It Yourself (GDIY) diffusé le 15/01/2025

#443 - Shubham Sharma - Expert NoCode : Automatiser sa vie pour devenir libre

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